Oil Spill Modelling
Akvaplan-niva’s group SensE carries out oil spill trajectory modelling as part of risk assessments, oil spill contingency analyses or environmental screening analyses. Oil drift simulations are currently carried out using the OSCAR model (SINTEF).
SensE uses the SINTEF OSCAR model for oil spill trajectory modelling. This model analyses the fate of the oil using hind-cast databases of current and meteorological data covering a 20-30 year period, and a database of physical chemical properties of crude oils from all over the world used as oil analogue for the activity.
SensE uses a high number of simulations to cover all Authority requirements for a high degree of accuracy and statistical robustness, as well as to provide the Client with information on the range of outcomes with respect to environmental impact and oil spill response challnges that might occur and need to be handled. Cases are evaluated and outcomes modelled with adequate resolution for addressing the range of situations that could occur from the specific activity, while maintaining consistency with industry standards. Oil spill trajectory modelling is used with custom made resolution for early-phase environmental screening studies, seasonal variation studies etc., as part of such projects for clients.
All oil spill trajectory modelling results are made available to the Client through the user interface on the SensE project website.
Oil spill trajectory modelling is only carried out as a part of environmental studies and analyses carried out by SensE, and are not provided as a separate service.
For more information contact: Cathrine Stephansen (cathrine.stephansen@akvaplan.niva.no)

Trajectory modelling forms one of the basic elements of quantified environmentall risk assessments of oil spills, by modelling the fate and distribution of oil in the water masses, on the sea surface and shoreline contamination. Results are presented in maps and figures providing the basis for both overall and detailed oil spill contingency analysis and planning.