Environmental priorities

Ikke erstattbare, naturlig forekommende miljøressurser av høy verdi og sårbarhet har høyest prioritering for beskyttelse i aksjoner for bekjempelse av akutt forurensning.

In the case of acute oil poluttion on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, protection of resources and activities are prioritised according to the criteria described in the NEA Guideline TA 1765 (In Norwegian). These are:

  • Environmental sensitivity to oil pollution (Scale 1-3, 3 highest)
  • Priority for conservation(Scale 1-3, 3 highest)
  • Potential for economic compensation (1-2, highest if compensation not possible)
  • Natural occurrence (Scale 1-2, highest if naturally occurring).


As a result, Naturally occurring resources having a high priority for conservation, a high sensitivity to oil pollution and that are not possible to compensate economically have the highest priority.

Akvaplan-niva has applied these criteria to generate data sets on high priority resources along the Norwegian coast, based on data from the NEA. The latest update is 2015, and the process and results are outlined in this memo.