High quality in-depth knowledge as basis for decisions in time
Analysis projects
SensE offers it's clients a solid scientific basis for implementation of knowledge of environmental risk in projects related to activities in environmentally sensitive areas. Through early involvement and the group's detailed special knowledge of environmental conditions, risk factors, local conditions and of methodology the client shall have confidence that potential environmental risk is uncovered in the project period while there is time to implement measures to reduce them. SensE's contingency analyses are based on accepted industry standard methodology and implements in-depth environmental strategic knowledge of operational conditions into detailed contingency plans for particularly environmentally sensitive areas requiring special focus.
A detailed approach is especially important in activities in environmentally sensitive or disputed areas as well as for Clients who consider environmental performance a sensitivity issue to their business values and reputation. Questions that need to be raised and answered are analysed to provide a solid scientific basis for decisions that may impact the environment, as well as providing tools for managing environmental risk in activities in sensitive areas.
Development projects
Development projects are a significant part of SensE’s project portfolio. The group participates in and also leads projects for developing methodology and tools for environmental risk assessments of acute oil spills. Research studies are also carried out relating to specific challenges of operations in environmentally sensitive areas. SensE works with development of models for environmental risk and contingency and has special competence of converting scientific knowledge and research results into tools for decision support. SensE has focus on science and being updated internationally.
Project schedules may be critical and quality can be “make or break” in a project. The SensE team works closely with Client project management and involvement early in the process ensures that critical issues are identified and handled in time and questions answered and included in analyses.