The SensE ToolBox is a set of factsheets and other tools connected to oil spill contingency and risk. The pages are available to Clients using their normal SensEWeb password.
Environmental Strategy Cards
The division of the natural resources into groups used on these pages is based on the species', ecological group's or habitat type's vulnerability towards oil contamination. Also, the descriptions given are biologically simplified to be a tool in oil spill recovery operations.
Environmental Strategy Cards are available for the following species/natural resources using your Client password:
- Pelagic diving seabirds
- Coastal diving seabirds
- Pelagic surface feeding seabirds
- Coastal surface feeding seabirds
- Wading birds
- Cetaceans (whales and dolphins)
- Seals
- Otters
- Kelp forests
- Tidal flats (dry-fall areas)
- Corals
- Shoreline substrate types
Environmental Zone System
In Environmental Risk Assessments and Contingency Plans, SensE uses an Environmental Zone System (EZS) to describe general areas relevant for oil spills. The system is geographically independent, and refers to general traits of the environment, relevant for both species present and operative properties.
The zones tie together the operational conditions for oil spill combat with general information on the types of natural resources that may be present. On this zoning system, we base the environmental strategy.
- Open sea (Åpent hav)
- Outer coastal waters/Exposed coast (Ytterkyst/Eksponert kyst)
- Sheltered coastal waters (Skjermet kyst)
- Shoreline and tidal flats (Strand/tidevannsflater)
Strategic Environmental Oil Spill Response Plans
Strategic Environmental Oil Spill Response Plan (SEOSRP) (for Clients with Password)