Oil Spill Contingency
On the NCS, Oil Spill Contingency Analyses are carried out in accordance to OLF/NOFO guidelines. Using the results from oil drift modelling, the effects of alternative oil spill combat options are analysed, for a number of barriers ranging from the vicinity of the point of discharge to nearshore combat and shoreline restoration.
As is the case for environmental risk assessments, methods and approaches in Norway were developed in as means to arrive at objective and intercomparable expressions of the requirements for consequence reducing measures (i.e. oil spill response) associated with an activity.
Oil spill contingency analyses and oil spill response plans are Authority requirements and objectives, and are specified in the Norwegian regulatory framework for offshore activities. A proper oil spill response should be considered a vital element in “licence to operate”, and historically, there are examples that insufficient analysis and planning have resulted in activities being stopped, and also that producing oil fields have temporarily been shut down.
Staff in the SensE team has been involved in development of standards and approaches process over the past 10 years, and is currently involved on ongoing development projects.
One of our focus areas is gaining intimate knowledge of environmental conditions, environmental sensitivities, operational challenges and possibilities, in order to provide high quality response plans and strategies. Staff in the SensE team has been involved in field studies and inventories along the majority of the Norwegian coastline, with an extended level of detail in environmentally sensitive areas.
Exchanging knowledge and experience with the international community is another of our focus areas. We submit abstracts for presentation to the major international conferences, and attend these events to maintain and develop our international network.
For more information contact: Geir Morten Skeie (geir.morten.skeie@akvaplan.niva.no)
In an analysis, recommendations for oil spill response are made, based on endpoints defined by the operator. Combat strategies for protection of the environmental resources identified as being exposed for high risk are part of the analysis.
The recommendations form the basis for a well specific oil spill response plan, the scope and extent of which is dependent on location and risk level.